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How does synchronization between QuickBooks and CentrixOne work?

Introduction #

When you sync your QuickBooks Online software, you can access all your customers, estimates, credit notes, orders and invoices within your CentrixOne CRM.

It’s also great for creating intelligent email marketing (e.g., targeting your mailings to a purchased product, a guaranteed end, etc.), generating an overview of your opportunities, analyzing your sales forecasts, comparing your revenues from one period to the next, and ensuring data consistency.

How do I synchronize QuickBooks? #

Please note that if you want to clean your QuickBooks account and delete certain customers, you must do so before starting your first synchronization.

  1. Click on the Settings module
  2. Click on the QuickBooks Sync view
  3. Click on Connect to QuickBooks
  4. Enter your QuickBooks account information
  5. Click on Sign in
  6. Click on Connect
  7. Select the date from which to sync your customers and opportunities (start date)
  8. Select the language in which you wish to sync the information
  9. Select the default language that the system will assign to new customers created in CentrixOne via the syncing service
  10. Click on Start synchronization

How does syncing with QuickBooks work? #

By default, customer data syncing is a two-way process: from QuickBooks to CentrixOne and from CentrixOne to QuickBooks. To make it a one-way process, so from QuickBooks to CentrixOne only, please contact us at support@centrix.one.

(Note that one-way syncing of customer data will prevent any changes to contact and account data in the QuickBooks list. It will also block automation modifications to this data).

Regarding the syncing of quotes, orders, invoices, sales stages and revenue categories, due to Canadian law, we are forced to make it unidirectional, so from QuickBooks to CentrixOne only.

What is synchronized with QuickBooks? #

Information from the customer card:

  • Company name
  • Full address
  • Website
  • Primary contact’s full name and title
  • Phone 1, phone 2 (other), fax and mobile phone of primary contact
  • Primary contact’s email address

Bids, orders and invoices (opportunities):

  • Title (represents the number of the quote, order or invoice as appropriate)
  • Sales stage
  • Revenue categories
  • Product codes and their description
  • Quantity
  • Unit price
  • Shipping costs
  • Discount (customer discount)
  • Total (before taxes)

Sales stage:

  • Lost = Estimate – Rejected (0%)
  • Qualified = Estimate – Pending (40%)
  • Advanced = Estimate – Accepted (80%) and Estimate – Closed (90%)
  • Closed won = Invoice and Credit note (100%)

Revenue categories:

  • In QuickBooks, those in Settings > Lists > Products and services > More > Manage categories

What are the special considerations to be aware of when synchronizing with QuickBooks? #

Protected list:

A new protected list named QuickBooks appears in your Lists module. As its name suggests, it contains all clients synchronized with QuickBooks. These cannot be renamed or deleted.

To sync an account or contact, you must create, move or copy it to the QuickBooks list. Note that only one contact per account will be synchronized (the oldest contact).

Primary contact:

In the list named QuickBooks, each synchronized contact is identified by a QuickBooks logo, visible only in the summary of their contact card.

Client data:

By default, the account and contact information associated with the QuickBooks list cannot be modified. To enable modification, please follow the steps in this guide.

Regarding email addresses, QuickBooks software allows you to enter several addresses in the Email field, separated by commas. However, only the customer’s first email address is synchronized with CentrixOne.


All accounts and contacts belonging to the list named QuickBooks cannot be deleted, as their respective identifier (ID) is used by the synchronization service. This ID is visible in the QuickBooks URL when clicking on a customer record.

Also, please do not delete any clients in your QuickBooks software. Instead, deactivate them to avoid breaking your synchronization service. This may result in repair charges.


Please do not use the merge function in QuickBooks, as it is incompatible with CentrixOne. A merge would automatically cause a duplicate in your CentrixOne account and could interrupt your data syncing. If this happens, repair charges may apply.

Revenue categories:

Do not delete the revenue categories in your QuickBooks account, as they are synchronized with CentrixOne. Instead, deactivate them.